The forces that shape our land are every bit as fascinating as the organisms that inhabit it. Plants, mushrooms, trees, birds, animals, and insects don’t necessarily appear at random, though a general knowledge of key historic events — both geologic and human-induced — will assist the nature-enthusiast in understanding why a particular piece of land looks the way it does today.
Western Pennsylvania is rich in these particular key historic events — both geologic and human-induced. Much of what appears today can be traced back to a few major events that played a tremendous role in cutting, carving, crafting, and creating a land that perpetually seems destined for change.
Let’s look at Moraine State Park, for instance.
This particular area encompasses 6,725 acres in Western Pennsylvania, approximately 45 miles north of Pittsburgh. Trees, trails, flora, fauna, fungi, and the 3,225 acre Lake Arthur characterize the park today, though the land wasn’t always so lush. In this video, I briefly explain the history of Moraine State Park and one man’s goal to restore the land back to its original grandeur.