Fibonacci Numbers In Nature With Rose Bando From Ohiopyle State Park

Math and nature — the two go hand-in-hand, much like monarchs and milkweed, cranberries and bogs, or maitake and oak trees.

Though not immediately apparent to the eye, nature displays patterns of numbers that underlie a variety of biological processes.

Take the Fibonacci sequence, for example.  This particular set of numbers — 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34… — which is built on the premise that each number comprises the sum of the previous two, can be seen in the branching of a tree, the leaf arrangement of a plant, and the petals of a flower.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Rose Bando thinks so.

She’s an environmental education specialist who regularly leads hikes, outings, and programs at Ohiopyle State Park in Southwestern Pennsylvania.  As a former math teacher, Rose combines her passion for math and nature in a wonderful program titled “Fibonacci Numbers in Nature.”

I had the pleasure of attending this year’s presentation at Ohiopyle’s Kentuck Campground Amphitheater, where Rose discussed the man behind the sequence (well, the man who popularized the sequence), examples in nature, applications in civilization, and much more.

After the program, I asked Rose a few questions regarding the Fibonacci sequence, and I’m excited to be sharing this video interview with you today.


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